The latest BankservAfrica Economic Transactions Index points to a rough start for the third quarter of the year.
Take-home pay in South Africa is stabilising - but when taking inflation into account, households are still poorer than they were last year.
Take-Home pay data over the past five years paints a bleak picture for South Africans.
Salaries in South Africa have taken another knock, as inflation and low confidence levels continue to eat away at disposable income.
The average take-home pay in South Africa took a knock in April 2023.
The latest BankservAfrica salary data points to some positive moves in the South African job market.
South African banks are developing to account for a new type of customer.
After two months of encouraging growth, South Africa's indicators have taken a sharp turn.
We compared the price offerings from the four banks that launched with BankservAfrica new real-time payments service this week.
Transactions in South Africa are expected to be far quicker, says the South African Reserve Bank.